Why Sex Addiction Looks So “Crazy”

Why Sex Addiction Looks So “Crazy”

Why do sex addicts do what they do? How could they continue their acting out behavior when the consequences are so obvious to others? Family members and friends are often baffled. Examples include: Minimizing behavior that could lead to their arrest, loss of...
Why Is Infidelity So Painful?

Why Is Infidelity So Painful?

“You’ve broken my heart.” Your partner’s betrayal hits at the core of your being.  Maybe the infidelity was a one-time event that occurred during a drunken evening, or it may have been quite intentional—months or years of texts, phone calls, romantic...
After the Affair: To Stay or To Leave?

After the Affair: To Stay or To Leave?

Was Hillary Clinton wrong for staying with her husband, Bill, after yet another affair—this time with a White House intern? Personally, I don’t think it’s anybody’s business what she chose to do, but as a public figure, Ms. Clinton was the object of much gossip. In...
When It’s Not Okay to Talk

When It’s Not Okay to Talk

Do you remember any of these phrases from your childhood? “Quit being a baby!” “Take it like a man!” “Don’t upset me with your problems!” “Don’t you know I’m too busy with your father/sister/brother to deal with you right now?” It may have been inadvertent, but you...
When Your Partner Won’t Go to Therapy

When Your Partner Won’t Go to Therapy

What do you do when you’ve done all you can? Despite repeated promises to stop having affairs or talking in chat rooms or sexting with a coworker, your partner continues. There’s a pattern—what seems like an addiction. Your partner says, no, everything’s fine. Or that...